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Capsulodesis, metacarpophalangeal joint; single digit

CPT4 code

Sure, here is the markdown description for the procedure Capsulodesis, metacarpophalangeal joint; single digit:

Name of the Procedure:

Capsulodesis, Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Joint; Single Digit


Capsulodesis of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint is a surgical procedure performed to stabilize a single finger joint, usually to address joint instability or deformity. This involves tightening or reinforcing the joint capsule.


The procedure addresses joint instability or deformity in the MCP joint of a single finger. The goals are to reduce pain, improve joint stability, and enhance finger function.


  • Chronic joint instability or deformity of the MCP joint
  • Persistent pain or dysfunction not relieved by non-surgical treatment
  • Patients with specific conditions such as ligament injuries or rheumatoid arthritis affecting the MCP joint


  • Patients may be instructed to fast before the procedure, if under general anesthesia.
  • Preoperative assessments may include X-rays or MRI scans to evaluate the joint.
  • Adjustments to medications, particularly blood thinners, may be required.

Procedure Description

  1. Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia is administered.
  2. Incision: A small incision is made over the MCP joint of the affected finger.
  3. Joint Exposure: The joint capsule is carefully exposed.
  4. Capsule Adjustment: The joint capsule is tightened or reinforced to stabilize the joint.
  5. Closure: The incision is closed with sutures.
  6. Dressing: A sterile dressing is applied to the surgical site.

Tools typically used include scalpels, sutures, and specialized instruments for joint exposure and manipulation.


The procedure typically takes about 1 to 2 hours.


The procedure is usually performed in a hospital or an outpatient surgical center.


  • Orthopedic or hand surgeon
  • Anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist
  • Surgical nurses and operating room technicians

Risks and Complications

  • Infection at the surgical site
  • Nerve or blood vessel damage
  • Joint stiffness
  • Incomplete pain relief or recurrence of symptoms
  • Anesthesia-related risks


  • Improved stability and function of the finger joint
  • Reduction in pain
  • Enhanced ability to perform daily activities involving the hand

Benefits may be realized several weeks to months post-procedure as healing progresses.


  • Post-procedure: The finger is typically immobilized with a splint or bandage.
  • Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing.
  • Activity: Gradual return to normal activities, with potential physical therapy.
  • Pain Management: Pain relief with medications as prescribed.

Recovery time varies but typically ranges from several weeks to months, depending on the individual's healing process.


  • Non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, braces, or splints.
  • Corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation.
  • Other surgical procedures like ligament reconstruction or joint replacement.

    Non-surgical alternatives may provide temporary relief but may not be as effective for long-term stability.

Patient Experience

During the procedure, if under local anesthesia, patients may feel pressure but no pain. Post-procedure, some pain and swelling are expected. Pain can be managed with prescribed medications, and discomfort usually decreases significantly after the first week.

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